Ok, so you say you are saved. That means you love Jesus Christ, right? Let's take the test to see if you are right or just living a lie. If you love God and are in Christ you will do the following 7 things:

  1. You keep His commandments (1 John 2-5) Jesus walked in humility, love, and compassion
  2. You walk as Christ walked (1 John 2:6)
  3. You are true to the beliefs of the faith (church and doctrines of Christianity) 1 John 2:19 "they went out into all the world"
  4. If you hate habitual sin (constant sin) and want to walk without sin (1 John 3:6-9, 1 John 1:8, 1 John 3:7-10)
  5. If you love the brethren (your brother, that mean in Christ not blood) God is Love Satan is Hate. Habits vs. people (1 John 3:14)
  6. If you abide in the Spirit (1 John 3:24, 1 John 4:13, John 15)
  7. If you received Jesus Christ and you KNOW you are GOING to HEAVEN!!! (1 John 5:11-13)

Remember impression without expression leads to depression. The above taken from Word of Life Church "Prophetic Evangelism" class by Pastor Linda Saunders.

Christ is so good to us. We don't always FEEL his love because we don't live by feelings, but the list above is the WORD that tells us and reminds us that we really love Christ if we do those things. Of course, HE loves us no matter what and at all times. It is impossible for him not to love you unless you blaspheme the Holy Spirit, and you can't do that until you die unsaved. I love you brother and sister in Christ and pray you have a great life and every day grow deeper in love with Christ and that only happens when you are in the Word (Bible) and talking to God (pray). You have to have both. One without the other is not stable and not possible.


Do you believe in Jesus Christ?

The Gospel of John Chapter 3 verse 16 and 17 say the following, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved."

The only way into Heaven is through the belief that Jesus Christ died for our sins upon the Cross. It doesn't matter what you have done or what you are doing, come to Jesus. At the time of Jesus' ministry there is the account of a woman caught in adultery. The religious rulers of the time, called "Pharisees" were not so interested in catching this particular woman in a sinful act, but more so they were interested in catching Jesus in a trap of his own words. This right there tells us that they really didn't believe in Jesus because had they, they would have known that there is no way the son of God can be tricked since He is the one who gives us wisdom to speak. Anyway, Jesus told the Pharisees that the first one who is without sin should cast the first stone to kill her, as the law of Moses was to stone a woman to death if she was committing adultery. Just imagine what was going through the Pharisees minds. The probably were thinking, "If we cast a stone then we are saying that we are better than God." So they left. Dear friend, it is my desire that you come to Christ on the Cross where you are now. Come with your disease, come with your malice, come with your pornography, come with your murderous and adulterous heart. Come one and all, whatever you are struggling with and Jesus will teach you and save you.

Friend, I'm not talking about a religious cult; rather, I'm talking about a belief in the Bible. As he has set me free, he can set you free too. If you want to give your life to Jesus you can do it right now. Say this prayer with me,

Father in Heaven, I come to you with all of my sin, and I ask you to save me. I invited you Jesus into my heart. I believe you are the Son of God that died on the cross to save me from my sins. I desire to no longer take advantage of that act and give my life to you. I believe I am saved. Thank you Jesus! Amen.

Remember, You have NEVER met ANYONE who Jesus did NOT die for. That is a hard one to swallow, but a good thing to remember when facing opposition.

From Dietrich Bonhoeffer:

"To his first disciples Jesus was bodily present, speaking His word directly to them. But this Jesus died and is risen. How, then, does his call to discipleship reach us today? Jesus no longer walks past me in bodily form and calls, "Follow me," as he did to Levi, the tax collector. Even if I would be truly willing to listen, to leave everything behind, and to follow, what justification do I have for doing so? What for the first disciples was so entirely unambiguous is for me a decision that is highly problematic and fraught with uncertainty....There is something wrong with...these questions. Every time we ask them, we place ourselves outside the living presence of the Christ. All of these questions refuse to take seriously that Jesus Christ is not dead but alive and still speaking to us today through the testimony of Scripture. He is present with us today, in bodily form and with his word. If we want to hear His call to discipleship, we need to hear it where Christ himself is present. It is within the church that Jesus Christ calls through His word and sacrament."



