Breeders Assistant HTML Pedigree
Pedigree Of puppies Victory x Riri
BreederTroy Clifford Dargin
ParentsGrandparentsGreat GrandparentsGreat Great Grandparents
Champion Falling Star's StargateChampion GCH Falling Star's LionsgateCH Falling Star's Technicolor Dreamcoat ROMCH Falling Star Jesus Christ Superstar
CH Falling Star's Hot Tub
CH Falling Star's Never Say NeverCH Falling Star's The Messiah
Falling Star Let's Make a Nite of It
Champion Falling Star's "Queen of the Night"CH Falling Star's Kansas City JazzCH Deja Vu's Philadelphia Tu Chu ROM
Falling Star Let's Make a Nite of It
CH Falling Star's "Mary Did You Know?"CH Falling Star Jesus Christ Superstar
CH Falling Star's Hot Tub
Falling Star's Sweet VictoryFalling Star's Ryding HighCH Falling Star's Big Man On CampusCH Munchkintown O' Falling Star ROM
Munchkintown's It's Me Lucy ROM top producer 1997
CH Promiseland's SweetnessCH Falling Star's Dare to Dream
CH Falling Star's Esther The Courageous
Falling Star's Rescuer's Down UnderCH Falling Star's Kansas City JazzCH Deja Vu's Philadelphia Tu Chu ROM
Falling Star Let's Make a Nite of It
CH Falling Star's I'm Always WinningCH Falling Star's Technicolor Dreamcoat ROM
Falling Star's Power Hogg
Produced using Breeders Assistant for Dogs Pedigree Software (tel: +44 1223 290291), Personal Edition licensed to Troy Clifford Dargin.
